10 Fun Ideas to Celebrate 100 Days of School

Pat yourself on the back—you and your family have made it through half of the school year! The 100th day of school is a celebrated milestone in elementary classrooms, especially for our dear Kindergarten students who are relatively new to school and just learning to count to 100. This milestone marks a significant time of the school year, whether your student has been in the classroom, learning through zoom, homeschooling or do a mix of everything in between. Not only is it a big deal for students and teachers this year, but it’s a big deal for parents too—because after all, we’ve made it halfway through the ordeals of schooling during a pandemic. Cue the confetti!

Some of you may be new to the festivities of celebrating the first 100 days of school. Here’s a short and informative video from PBS Learning that gives you a fun overview of the tradition we hold in schools across the US:

For those of you parents who are seasoned veterans of the 100 days of school, you are well aware of the activities and/or projects that come with this milestone. Some of the most popular activities involve students collecting (or contributing to) a collection of 100 items from home, an arts and crafts project with 100 things or a written or mathematical assignment involving the number 100 for upper elementary students. Kindergarten students also take this time to practice their math and counting skills to 100. While these at-home projects are a fun and challenging way for your child to celebrate 100 days of school, it takes a good amount of preparation and creativity to put together. Crafty and non-crafty parents, we’ve got you covered. With a little help from google and Pinterest, we were able to scour some inspiration and collect a list of some of the best ideas for the 100th day of school projects and some at-home fun you can incorporate too!

  1. 100 days of school t-shirts

  2. 100 days poster collages

  3. 100 days of school trail mix

  4. 100 things I learned poster

  5. Ideas for 100 day collections

  6. Create a list of 100 sight words

Jessica Chan

Jessica graduated from the University of California, Irvine and worked in the private school sector for 6 years. She has worked with displaced people groups and believes in the powerful transformation that education can bring to a community and its individuals. She is also passionate about empowering parents in their child’s developmental path as she raises little ones of her own.


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