Our Mission
Educating, inspiring, and empowering tomorrow’s leaders for the glory of God.

Watch the video below to see what Pathway is about
Isaiah 43:18-21
“But forget all that—
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland……
so my chosen people can be refreshed.
I have made Israel for myself,
and they will someday honor me before the whole world.”
Organizational Mission
PCPA is a Christian school planting movement. The scripture that God gave us when we prayed about forming is Isaiah 43:18-21. In verse 19, it states, “I will make a Pathway through the wilderness”. The context of this scripture is Israel in exile in Babylon, a hopeless situation. God reminds them that the nations of the world turn to powerless idols and that He is the one true God, the only Savior! He then reminds them of how He rescued them from Egypt—a dramatic salvation experience from a hopeless situation. He follows that by saying, “but forget all that….I’m doing something bigger. That was nothing compared to what I’m about to do. I will make a pathway in the wilderness so my people can be refreshed and empowered to honor me before the world.” Wow!
Education has become a wilderness. I’ve heard it said that we shouldn’t be surprised if we send our children to Caesar to be educated, and they turn out to be Romans. This has become increasingly true as our government has not only removed God from schooling, but also determined that they would indoctrinate the next generation with ideologies that are anti-God. It’s becoming increasingly more difficult for families to entrust their kids to an institution that does not respect their rights as parents or value God and His kingdom. The results are clear. Education has become a wilderness, creating a more confused generation with higher rates of depression and mental illness than any previous generation.
However, we believe that the next generation actually has more potential than any previous. They literally can stand on the shoulders of the men and women of faith that have gone before them if given the right environment to grow and thrive in. That’s why educating the next generation to know God, commune with God, and follow Him in their specific calling is an incredibly important mandate for the Church. This is why Pathway Christian exists. We partner with families, Christian schools, churches, educational networks, and many others to bring resources, an educational framework, and a school system that enables this to happen.
We have four driving values that frame our education:
Authentic Connection, Family Partnership, Real-world Learning, & Empowering Discipleship.
Authentic Connection speaks of daily encounters with God, meaningful relationships within the school community, and strong engagement in the local church. True relationship is paramount to how God chooses to impact and grow us.
Family Partnership describes our commitment to not only value and prioritize parental rights and input, but to engage, train and empower families with tools necessary for discipleship to happen within the home. From resources for kitchen-table discussions, to support groups for parents to attend and get training and prayer, this is a priority.
Real-world Learning points to high academic standards that focus on deep learning, critical thinking, and practical application to real-world scenarios. High outcomes and researched-based instruction is the focus of our project-based model.
Empowering Discipleship drives us as we believe that each student has a unique calling to fulfill the Great Commission within a specific context. This may happen as they practice medicine or law, engage in politics or education, or go into the ministry. Every young person needs to be empowered through discipleship to walk out the Kingdom calling that God has for them.
Pathway is passionate about Christian education and the role it plays in discipling the next generation, but we cannot do it alone. Our calling is not to run this race as a spectacle, but to partner with local churches, other Christian schools, educational networks and families to plant, develop and grow Christian schools across the globe. Traditionally this took millions of dollars and many years to complete. Our system is time and cost efficient and can launch programs quickly.
There are two ways to get involved. First, consider giving. You can visit our giving page to find out more. Second, to start a program in your local area, schedule a consultation. We would love to hear your heart and pray with you! You can make that happen by clicking below. Blessings!