Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
We believe Christian education should be a priority of the church in today’s society & we want to be a resource for churches that feel the same way.
Partnering to Disciple the Next Generation!
Many churches believe we should be doing more to reach the next generation, but aren’t ready or equipped to build or run a Christian school. PCPA partners with these ministries to form unique educational opportunities for the community. PCPA brings all of the necessary educational tools, expertise, faculty and programs to the church, and the church provides meaningful services for their students.
Some run live chapels, weekly meetups, hybrid learning centers, etc. Since PCPA doesn’t require facilities to be effective, churches can decide how to best leverage their resources to make education and discipleship effective.
If God has placed a burden for the next generation on your heart, we’d love to discuss how Pathway can help make your vision a reality!
3 Educational Models to Choose From:
There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to education. That is why we have 3 different service models: (1) Homeschool Pods, (2) Self-Paced Hybrid School, & (3) Live Virtual Hybrid School.
Churches use our services for education and design a meaningful program on their campus to facilitate ministry. There are no time requirements for on-site activities so you have the freedom to make them fit the needs of your families!
Click Below for a brief introduction for each of these.
Tier 1: Hybrid Homeschool
Churches can host a parent-led homeschoal pod and take advantage of our pre-recorded daily teaching videos, Biblicaly-integrated content, and project-based academic system.
This is our lowest cost model since it is primarily providing a system, structure, and all curricular resources for the pod. Some churches may even choose to run the program with parent volunteers to keep the cost to families as low as possible.
Tier 2: Self-paced Hybrid School
The self-paced hybrid school model takes advantage of all of our Tier 1 benefits and adds a credentialed teacher to guide the process and grade the work.
This is our mid-tier service level that enables churches to run an accredited hybrid school with minimal cost.
Tier 3: Live Virtual Hybrid School
This model includes everything from Tier 2 plus live group classes hosted virtually with teachers and students from around the globe. Instructors speak into the lives of students, host classes, tutor, and conduct community events online for students.
This is our highest service model. In this model, churches can run a day school or a hybrid school with students attending live virtual classes in the mornings and coming to the church for in-person events and ministry.
Missional Education.
PCPA started with a vision to make Christian education more meaningful and accessible to families. This is why we have chosen to create a unique virtual model that can be offered in multiple contexts all around the world through an effective learning platform. It is our goal to reach out to communities both in the United States, as well as around the world, through ministry partnerships.
The missional call of the gospel is what propelled us to create PCPA and we are looking and praying for more partners to work with to spread the gospel and disciple the nations through Christian education!

Bringing generational change one student at a time.