In order to receive a diploma, students must earn the following credits

• English/Language Arts (4 credits) 
English I or ELL Course (1 credit)
English II (1 credit)
English III (1 credit)
English IV (1 credit)

• Mathematics (3 credits)
Algebra I & II (2 credit)
Geometry (1 credit)
-lower maths can be substituted with higher course completions and mastery scores within the subject

• Science (3 credits)
Biology (1 credit)
Chemistry (1 credit)
Additional Science (1 credit)

• Social Studies (3 credits)
World History (1 credit)
American History (1 credit)
American Government (0.5 credit)
Economics (0.5 credit)

  • Art/CTE (2 credits)

  • PE (1 Credits)

  • Foreign Language (2 Credits)

  • College Electives (5 credits)

  • Biblical Studies (4 credits)

    • students enroll and pass in a Bible course, each semester they are enrolled in Pathway

• Total: 24 credits

• In order for a student to be eligible for graduation from PCPA, no less than 25% of credits (6 credits) required to graduate must be taken through PCPA.