English 6
This course provides a strong foundation in grammar and the writing process. It emphasizes simple but useful composition and language mechanics strategies with multiple opportunities for modeling practical, real-world writing situations that will enable students to improve their written communication skills quickly. Through a variety of grade-appropriate reading selections, students develop a clear understanding of key literary genres and their distinguishing characteristics.
English 7
English 7 Integrates the study of writing and literature through the examination of a variety of genres. Students identify the elements of composition in the reading selections to understand their function and effect on the reader. Practice is provided in narrative and expository writing. Topics include comparison and contrast, persuasion, and cause and effect essays, as well as descriptive and figurative language. Lessons are supplemented with vocabulary development, grammar, and syntax exercises, along with an introduction to verbal phrases and research tools.
English 8
Extends the skills developed in English 7 through detailed study of parts of sentences and paragraphs to understand their importance to good writing. Students also acquire study skills such as time management and improved test-taking strategies. Other topics include punctuation, word choice, syntax, varying of sentence structure, subordination and coordination, detail and elaboration, effective use of reference materials, and proofreading.