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New Testament Women From the Bible Every Child Should Know
The New Testament of the Bible shares stories of women who were key figures in God’s big plan of redemption–bringing Jesus to earth and establishing the early church. Some women are only mentioned by name in a mere 1 or 2 verses out of the entire Bible, however, we know from historical documents that they made significant influence at the time. Take a dive with your children into some of the most unheard stories of women who radically followed Jesus and learn with your kids rom these inspiring females.

Ways Kids Can Give Back During the Holidays
Consumerism and gift wish lists can sometimes ruin the true magic and meaning of Christmas. As Christian parents, we want our children to cherish and be in awe of the story of Jesus’ arrival on earth as well as embody the life of Christ and His generosity towards others. Give your kids the opportunity to give back during the holidays with ideas for service opportunities and fun projects that bless others.

Love Your Neighbor〡3 Ways to Teach Kindness to Your Kids
With all the heaviness in the news and the divisiveness going on in our world today it feels like now, more than ever, is the time to cultivate Christlike love in our children. But how can we as families teach our kids to love our neighbor as ourselves the way Christ did? Scripture lays it out clearly and we break down simple ways that families can embody a life of love, service and kindness.