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How To Help Children Cope With Mass Violence
As parents, we need to be ready to help our children cope with the horribly devastating realities we face today. Coping with mass shootings is extremely stressful. And depending on an incident’s proximity, the impacts of violence can have serious mental and emotional stress on children and adults.
As believers, we need to turn to the Gospel as our hope for this broken world. In this post, we’ll look at how to talk to our children and answer their questions while pointing all things back to our creator who is ultimately in control.

Engaging Kids Who Think The Bible is Boring
“I don’t want to read the Bible!” These words may not come as a shock to you as a parent these days. There are so many books and media that are purposefully designed to engage children and their interests that sometimes the Bible falls last on the list. You may be wondering, how can I help my child who thinks the Bible is boring? Perhaps you can understand as you’ve struggled with reading the Bible as an adult–we’ve all been there! Follow along in this post for some tips for engaging kids in the Bible so that it becomes an exciting habit they look forward to.

Teaching Your Kids the Power of Prayer
Equipping our children with the power of prayer enables them to face obstacles in life. Prayer is a powerful tool that builds confidence and trust in the Lord. Every child has the ability to access communication with their heavenly father. Parents, let's encourage our children to tap into the power of prayer and to see how God listens to every thought, worry, desire and petition. Read for ways to integrate prayer into your child's daily life and give them keys to unlock a vibrant life of prayer.

Talking To Your Kids About Good Friday
As parents, how can we talk to our kids about the significance of Good Friday? Churches do their thing with Easter egg hunts and outreach events, but the home is a parent’s first mission field. Good Friday is quite literally the crux of the gospel message. Helping our children understand this message will give them a deeper grasp of the meaning of salvation. Take a look at talking points to engage your kids in conversation about the crucifixion and resurrection this Good Friday.

New Testament Women From the Bible Every Child Should Know
The New Testament of the Bible shares stories of women who were key figures in God’s big plan of redemption–bringing Jesus to earth and establishing the early church. Some women are only mentioned by name in a mere 1 or 2 verses out of the entire Bible, however, we know from historical documents that they made significant influence at the time. Take a dive with your children into some of the most unheard stories of women who radically followed Jesus and learn with your kids rom these inspiring females.

5 Steps to Talk About Difficult Things With Our Kids
The news of Ukraine has been heavily weighing on our hearts. And for many parents, we are trying to work out how to talk to our kids about what's going on. Along with other difficult conversations we have to have with our children as parents, we wanted to address some pointers on how to approach these talks.