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How To Help Children Cope With Mass Violence
As parents, we need to be ready to help our children cope with the horribly devastating realities we face today. Coping with mass shootings is extremely stressful. And depending on an incident’s proximity, the impacts of violence can have serious mental and emotional stress on children and adults.
As believers, we need to turn to the Gospel as our hope for this broken world. In this post, we’ll look at how to talk to our children and answer their questions while pointing all things back to our creator who is ultimately in control.

What is After-School Restraint Collapse and How to Combat It
Your child falls apart after school, but it’s not because they had a bad day. Kids need to release mental and emotional energy they’ve held onto throughout the day. Here’s how to help them with the after-school transition.

How to Safeguard Your Child’s Mental Health
Mental health has been on the decline since 2020, effecting children just as much as adults. Although it can seem like an unfamiliar territory for most parents, we have 4 approaches to help you safeguard your child’s mental health and resources to get more help.